You Should Give a Fuck. Here's Four Ways How.
To hell with apathy. Give a fuck. About yourself. Your friends. Your family. Your career. Your pets. Your community. The world. Our lives deeply impact others, whether we are aware of it or not. Giving a fuck brings with it the relief that you are not the center of the universe.
Moving through the world with fucks to give infuses your actions with kindness and intent. It means you listen to your friends when they need to speak. It means you spend time with your family. It means you ask yourself if your job gives you joy. It means you walk your dog as much as she needs it. It means you participate in improving your community for everyone in any small or large way you can. It means the world is a better place.
Giving a fuck is an action, not a feeling.
Life is better when you give a fuck.
Give a fuck about yourself.
It doesn’t matter how much other people give a fuck about you if you don’t give a fuck about yourself. Eat as if you would like to avoid preventable chronic illness. Move your body as if you’d like to be able to walk up a flight of stairs without vomiting. Sleep like you actually don’t want to feel like the living dead in the morning. Treat your depression and anxiety. Hold yourself accountable to your goals. Stop scrolling so goddamn much, go on a walk.
Give a fuck about your family.
Answer text messages. Send cards. Say, “I love you.” Go to the soccer game, the chili cook-off, the dance reticle, or whatever it is that your kid, dad, niece, or whoever has decided to commit to doing something in public, go support. Ask how they are. Buy dinner. Make dinner. Print photos. Remember what they care about — write it the fuck down if you need to. Show up when you’re invited. Ask for their help.
Give a fuck about your community.
Say hello. Go to the park party or the block party or the dinner crawl or whatever sounds kind of fucking lame but probably isn’t as lame as you think it is. Go to the neighborhood association meeting. Don’t have a neighborhood association? Start one, damnit. Buy shit from local businesses. Volunteer. Don’t want to volunteer? Fine, donate money. Do good shit no one will ever thank you for, but you know you should do it anyways.
Give a fuck about your home.
Wherever home is — a house, apartment, room —whatever corner of this world is just yours and all yours, keep it clean, for fuck’s sake. Decorate it in a way that brings you joy. Don’t crowd it with shit you don’t need or shit that doesn’t mean anything to you. Make it cozy. Make it warm. Make it a place that will catch you when you fall. Fill it with books, movies, music, memories and dreams.