These past few weeks, Debby blew A LOT of cocaine; a woman stole $1.5 million worth of chicken wing, and Mt. Everest was saved from becoming the world’s tallest garbage dump.
An adorable old street sweeper was gifted £3,000 from his community to take a vacation, and then his evil, evil piece of shit employer stopped him from accepting the funds. But the community stepped in and said, “Fuck no, sir.”
A new start-up has invented a way to create paper without destroying trees and the planet.
State troopers in Arizona interrupted this large desert tortoise’s prison break.
Rewilding is giving nature a chance in urban centers like the big D.
A young humpback whale has been spotted kicking it in a Boston harbor.
An airline reversed a woman’s lifetime ban and issued her a refund after she insisted that she is a lesbian.
A really good person who apparently does not do drugs called the authorities when they found a fuckload of cocaine that had been blown onto a Florida beach by Hurricane Debby.
No hate, we just want to know what she was planning to do with 11,000 CASES OF CHICKEN WINGS.